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The Season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5th and ends with Good Friday, April 18th The Season of Lent invites us to a newness, a willingness to change, to reimagine how to live life and examine our habits in the hopes of finding a better way of doing things.  (Rev. Victor Kim).


If you are looking for an Ash Wednesday Service, please join us with our sister church in Abbotsford, Calvin Presbyterian at 33911 Hazelwood Avenue on March 5th beginning at 7:00pm.

Each Sunday during Lent , we hope you will join us for Worship here at St. Paul's beginning at 10:00am.

Like last year we will join with Calvin Presbyterian once again for a Good Friday Service. Again, to be held in Abbotsford on April 18th at 10:00am.   These joint services are very special as it emphasizes and expands our loving community.  

Easter Sunday worship will take place at St. Paul's on April 20th beginning at 10:00am.

We hope you can join us - we'd love to meet you.